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Our Impact

Our impact at a glance, 2023-2024

We regularly survey our members to find out how we are doing. Here are the results of our survey from January 2024.

The top three reasons why people come to Beacon Films are:

  1. To become more confident in my own abilities

  2. To work as a team

  3. To make and be with friends <> To become better at filmmaking (joint 3rd)

Skills Development

  • 89% of respondents rated the extent to which they felt Beacon Films was helping them to develop filmmaking skills as 7/10 or above.

  • 78% of respondents rated the extent to which they felt Beacon Films was helping them develop work and volunteering skills as 7/10 or above.

Beacon Films has given me the confidence to be able to follow my own career path
— Beacon Films Member
Beacon Films can be therapuetic as I am always keeping myself busy with them making films
— Beacon Films Member

Confidence and wellbeing

  • 78% of respondents rated the extent to which they felt Beacon Films was helping them do other things outside of Beacon Films as 7/10 or above.

  • 84% of respondents rated the extent to which they felt Beacon Films was helping them feel better about life as 7/10 or above.

Beacon films means everything to me. It makes me feel better in myself and friends are always there when I need them
— Beacon Films Member
Beacon Films has really helped me develop the confidence to do filmmaking on my own as a Freelancer
— Beacon Films Member

Goals Mentoring

90% of people who had received Goals Mentoring rated the quality at 4/5 or above.

[The goals mentor] has been helping me to write emails that I have been sending off to people to ask for work.
— Mentee