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The Social Model of Disability

At Beacon Films we believe in the Social Model of Disability and strive to apply this approach to all our work

The Social Model of Disability believes that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairments or differences. These barriers can include physical obstacles, negative attitudes, and exclusion from activities.

It is therefore the role of society - by which we mean organisations, businesses, public bodies, government and the people at-large - to make the changes necessary for disabled people to be genuinely included; to feel valued and safe.

For Beacon Films, in practical terms, this means:

  • Being open and transparent about accessibility at our main venue, and the access measures that are in place for workshops and events.

  • Supporting members to devise an Access and Support Plan or Access Rider which agrees the access requirements that will be put in place for any specific activity.

  • Reflecting on our practice and always being willing to learn how we can do access and inclusion even better.

Here is a brilliant video by Shape Arts which explains the social model of disability.